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Writer's pictureWei Kang

Final Thoughts

The most helpful skill I learned from this course may easily have been improving my knowledge in editing a website. This wasn't the first website I had; it's actually my third as I've started creating websites in high school. However, I have learned the most during this course since most of our work has been documented or mentioned in our website. I now know how to add different elements onto a page much more efficiently than before. I believe this skill can be beneficial in my future career or for general use.

After studying the core question within our course of how Disney contributes to society's gender values, I have gained new habits. We focused on watching Disney films and annotated how each one teaches us gender values. I now have developed a habit of questioning gender values in films I watch leisurely, wondering if producers are creating equal gender and social lessons. Analyzing the course question has also challenged me to study the general world around us and has shown me a new perspective. We have been encouraged to dismiss our biases and criticize our world with a fair judgment. The public has put Disney on a pedestal, though they still have many faults.

This course doesn't have the lightest workload, so completing weekly assignments was sometimes a struggle. The first couple of weeks were relatively simple and much more manageable, though as the quarter progressed, it seemed more challenging. Perhaps burnout may have been a factor, but I wished I learned to work more efficiently. I would often procrastinate for hours before starting an assignment, then get distracted some more while doing it. That is definitely an aspect I have to hold myself accountable for, as time management is critical in college. I'll have to remind myself to stay focused; one of the main solutions is to shut down my phone so I don't get side-tracked, it's worked in the past, so I'll have to consider that again.

In my schooling experience, I have always had a dislike towards reading and writing. This course has changed my feelings towards writing, which is fantastic, but I still lack enthusiasm for reading. I struggle with reading sometimes because if the text is unappealing to me, none of the information I read get processed. Then, I have to re-read the text again, and the cycle continues over and over. This continuing distaste can be solved with consistently reading, which is a hobby I wish I could adopt. Time will tell.


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Mar 15, 2021

Hi Wei! Procrastinating is also a struggle of mine. Many times in the quarter I would underestimate the amount of time something will take which led to stress that was able to be avoided if I had just started earlier. I hope you find new ways next quarter to avoid getting distracted. As you said, putting your phone away might help which is something I might try as well! With that said, it was nice working with you this quarter for our podcast. I wish you luck in your finals and your classes next quarter!


Xiefeng Zheng
Xiefeng Zheng
Mar 15, 2021

Indeed, I also think that making a website has taught me a lot. But this is my first website. Your website is really great, it is very distinctive and easy to understand. The topic of this writing is also a very good topic. It is one of the mainstream topics that people are paying attention to. But I have never wanted to understand it before, but after this class I have a general understanding. Finally, thank you for your suggestions for my article, they are very helpful to me.


Yajaira Judith Cervantes
Yajaira Judith Cervantes
Mar 15, 2021

Hello Wei,

I too felt the workload was heavy later on and my time management contributed to it. I think your editing skill for the podcast was very good. It was great that you were a team player and took on a role that some of us were not familiar with. Overall thank you for your contributions and I wish you all the best !


Mar 15, 2021

Hi Wei! I thought what you said about the wix website was very interesting and true. This actually was my first website, actually first 2 because I also made the microsite, and these projects taught me a lot about presentation and effective images that make writing more engaging. The project forced us to be more creative when adding little pieces to the site, which also helped us become better at managing the site. It was really nice seeing your progress throughout the quarter. Best wishes.


Jiayi Chen
Jiayi Chen
Mar 14, 2021

Hi Wei, I have the same feeling as you that the course question stimulate my deeper thought when I watch other films, thinking about what it conveys about sociological issues. Also, glad to see your pregress in modifying website and it is a new experience for me, too. Additionally, distracting from tasks is what I am struggling for, I agree with your solution to keep away from cell phones. Lastly, hope you enjoy rest of life in UCI and best wishes.

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