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Writer's pictureWei Kang

Thinking Outside the Box

Updated: Jan 23, 2021


Our class has many course objectives, many of which are closely related. Though, the one that stands out to be me is the one of "Improve in the 'Habits of Mind.'" I would consider this objective to be one of our quarter's most important goals as it's not just one dimensional. Instead, it doesn't just focus on what we should do this quarter to succeed but also how we do it. It ranges from our thinking process to our adaptability to our responsibility. Two weeks into the course, I have experienced an improvement in the Habits of Mind objective as one of its aspects is to have "the willingness to consider new ways of being and thinking in the world" (Haas). We have been assigned to think about social construction, and annotate an essay and lecture on beauty standards. All of which encourage us to think critically about the world around us and how the general public perceives some of society's values. To understand such a complex subject like social construct and how Disney contributes to society's values, I had to reflect on how others may have engaged with Disney's works, but most importantly, reflect on my engagement with Disney films. I ended up challenging some of our social construction's long-established opinions, which I never thought I'd do because I've never been asked to criticize our world. However, I now feel captivated by our course question and look forward to refining my final essay.

In my past English courses, I was usually encouraged to think within the work rather than outside. Thus far in this course, I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience as we are urged to thinking broadly and consider the outside world. Furthermore, I have an opportunity to write about a topic I feel drawn to and showcase my analysis.

Here is an excerpt from my writing:

"The title of Disney's The Beauty and The Beast may cause watchers to associate the idea of beauty with its characters' looks and actions. The film highlights a young, innocent woman imprisoned by the "beast," then falling in love with him later on. Throughout the movie, the woman's appearance is frequently shown, leading viewers to slowly subconsciously see her as "beautiful" due to her slim body, light eyes, etc."

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Baiyu Wang
Baiyu Wang
Jan 18, 2021

Your title is particularly appealing and I agree with your opinion on how what we learn in passing two weeks challenge our thinking of social construction. For example, blue for boy and pink for girl like a stereotype in our mind. I was not think its was reverse in the past.


Yun Chen
Yun Chen
Jan 18, 2021

I like the title that you create for your blog because it catches my attendance on it. The entire blog is connected to the title that you have so I think you did nice work for this blog.

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